Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre

Sound and video technology in the theatre


Sound and video technology in the theatre

Presentation and Workshop


Duration 3h – In german


Part 1: Presentation by Thomas C. Gass (Voice Overs & Sound Design)
"Hearing and seeing in the theatre"
Thoughts and explanations about hearing and seeing, operating as external and internal senses.

The presentation will consider two of our most important senses – accompanying us every day – and investigate what they have in common and how they differ; it will look into their physiological and psychological function, and delve into this far-reaching subject through discussion with the participants and through experiments. 

This approach involves considering such issues as: 

  • Basic functional analysis of both senses
  • Phylogenetic and ontogenetic development
  • How does our brain process incoming information from the eyes and ears?
  • Why do these two senses complement each other whilst simultaneously competing with each other?
  • Why do we live predominantly in a "seeing world"?
  • Why do we have two eyes and two ears?
  • Why can we close our eyes but not our ears?
  • What is the connection between right-handedness and our sense of hearing?
  • Why is the ear physiologically superior to the eye?
  • How can we apply this knowledge to our work in the theatre?


Part 2: Workshop with Robert Hermann (Head of Sound, Theater Basel)
“Modern sound and video technology in the theatre”

Most of the sound and video equipment and technology at Theater Basel was renewed in the summer of 2015. The example of this refurbishment will be used to illustrate the demands made on modern theatre infrastructure and the technical facilities that are available with which to meet those demands. In addition to questions about technical infrastructure, the workshop will also consider effective workflow processes and the necessary up-skilling of staff.

Participants of part 2 (workshop) must have prior technical knowledge. 


Language - German
Simultaneous translation German - French